Monday, January 5, 2015

Reducing Budgeted Hours

You have a project that originally had a certain number of hours/dollars allocated for activities and those activities are being charged by resources. The resources only end up charging half of their budgeted hours. The budgeted hours (and dollars) in essence are being allocated to another project. Is the simplest way to show this reduction in hours/budget, to just reduce the original budgeted hours? I imagine that would reduce the ETC. 

Technically if is not finished, and is in beginning stages it should be re-baselined with the new budgeted hours and remaining (both have to be changed individually if the activities are started).
ETC, EAC, Remaining hours do not get adjusted automatically if activities have started.

If we changed the budgeted hours & remaining hours and re-baselined it, would the ETC (when project is closed) be updated to reflect the changes? Or is it just the fact that the activities already started?

Both ETC & EAC will. Data when project is closed (not open on screen) gets updated when u run Summarize.

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